Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions Helps Hospitals Save Millions with LED Lighting

Peter Stein, Energy Saving Solutions

Peter Stein, Energy Saving Solutions - One of the most important parts of minimizing ongoing costs is to reduce energy and maintenance costs. This is especially true for hospitals, where a 24-hour work schedule mandates continual illumination. In the past, the use of incandescent bulbs has resulted in high-energy costs as well as the frequent replacement of burned out bulbs. Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions helps hospitals save millions with LED lighting by reducing energy and maintenance costs alike. Because of this assistance, many hospitals will find that it is an ideal time to make the transition to an LED based lighting system.

The Benefits of LED Lighting

LED lighting has a number of benefits for the modern hospital. The power requirements are far lower than those of regular incandescent or neon lights, which can save a hospital millions of dollars every year. In addition, LED lighting is solid-state and can provide years of illumination without replacement. Finally, LED lights produce a strong and steady illumination that minimizes eyestrain, making it ideal for the hospital setting.

Safety Advantages of LED Lighting
Another major advantage of LED lighting is the fact that LED lights cannot shatter like neon or incandescent lights. This is especially important in a hospital, where glass slivers can pose a severe threat to the safety of patients and staff. Additionally the lower power requirements and cool operating temperatures of LED lights eliminate the potential for burns due to skin contact.

Reducing the Cost of Retrofitting to LED Lighting

While LED lights are more expensive than conventional lighting, Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions helps hospitals save millions with LED lighting by permitting them to pay the cost of installation out of their savings. This Double Green Plan allows the hospital to install the LED lighting for no upfront cost, and pay Energy Saving Solutions out of the savings allowed by the LED lighting. Ultimately, this allows the hospital to transition to an economic and power efficient lighting system for free. Finally, in some regions, adopting an environmentally friendly lighting system may allow the hospital to take advantage of tax credits or other types of government incentive programs.

The Environmental Benefits of LED Lighting

In addition to its economic advantages, using LED lighting will dramatically reduce a hospital’s environmental footprint. By lowering the energy the lighting consumes power plant related greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced. Additionally, the longer lifespan of LED lighting systems will help reduce the amount of waste generated by the hospital. Finally, by demonstrating its commitment to the environment, public and private hospitals alike can improve their relationship with the local community.

By reducing the amount of money wasted on obsolete incandescent and neon lighting; a hospital can reduce its monthly operating costs while improving the surroundings for staff and patients alike. Furthermore, by offering effective incentive programs, Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions helps hospitals save millions with LED lighting. Finally, by engaging in economical and environmentally friendly lighting solutions, hospitals can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development even as they improve their ability to deliver excellent patient care.

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