Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions Explains Why LED Lights Save Companies Millions

Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions

Peter Stein, Energy Saving Solutions - If you've heard of LED lighting recently, you're not alone. The truth is, LED lights have been saving companies millions of dollars each year in energy costs for over a decade now, and you could be next if you're willing to embrace this amazing technology. LED lighting is affordable, efficient, and honestly, it's the wave of the future.

How Can LED Lights Save Your Company Money?

LED lights use light-emitting diodes, and these diodes use far less energy when compared to traditional lighting options, including incandescent and fluorescent lights. In fact, LED lighting can potentially save anywhere from 70 percent to 90 percent over conventional lighting standards. This can ultimately mean that your business is able to save millions of dollars per year depending upon the amount of lights and locations you employ.

The Cost of LED Lighting

While some LED lighting can cost slightly more than traditional lighting, the cost savings in utility bills allow LEDs to pay for themselves. What business owners have to keep in mind is that not only do LED lights save on monthly utility costs, they also save on replacement costs. LED lights typically last up to 11 years each before needing replacement, and this means that even a dollar or two added onto the cost of each bulb is nothing in comparison to the regular cost of replacement with standard bulbs. Additionally, because LEDs are generally protected by strong, solid plastics, the incidences of breakage are far lessened when compared to glass bulbs.

Further Benefits of LED Lighting

Furthermore, LED lights don't use filaments, meaning they are less likely to generate fire hazards under extreme circumstances or power surges. Also, LEDs emit a lesser amount of heat when compared to traditional options, and this means that cooling systems within your business locations have to work less in order to keep your business' temperature regulated during the warmer months or during times of extreme machine usage. Business owners who have conventional lighting can also find easy and cost-effective solutions to retrofit their facilities with LED lighting without having to undergo a huge renovation. In the vast majority of cases, LED lights use the same standard plugs and bases that traditional lighting uses, meaning switching to LED lighting is as easy as installing a new light.

Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions Explains Why LED Lights Save Companies Millions

If you're interested in saving your company money each month through the use of LED lighting, then you may consider partnering with a green energy professional, such as Peter Stein of Energy Saving Solutions. As the leader of Energy Saving Solutions, green energy expert Peter Stein from Energy Saving Solutions can help you to plan out an LED lighting system that will not only reduce your energy costs, but will also improve the environment. Remember, the planet only has a finite amount of energy resources, so it's up to you as a businessperson to help conserve these resources for everyone. By switching to LED lighting, you are helping yourself, your business and the community as a whole.

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